Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Zone Leader

I guess I have comfy shoulders! haha!

Crazy things happened this week!!!!!

President called me on Thursday last week and said ¨Elder Kendall, I’m sending you on a secret mission.¨ I was confused, he told me I was going to work with two elders and get to know a certain area. I got my stuff ready, then I got another call and was told I’m not going to go until next Monday. I was all confused so I talked with president and he told me to wait until Saturday because he was going to take us on a trip to Santiago Atitlan!

Saturday comes around and we go to president’s house in the morning. As we are driving up to Santiago, President asked me, ¨Elder Kendall, are you ready to be a zone leader? ¨ I said that I might be and he said ¨Good, because you and another NEW zone leader are going to open a ZONE, not an area, but a ZONE.¨ So this next change, we are going to open up the new ZONE ALAMEDAS!!! yeeehhaaawww I’m so stoked! My new comp is the sickest kid ever so I’m pumped! That was a good start to that day. We spent the morning in Santiago enjoying the views and the market...(sorry if my bank accounts is kind of low, that place is sick haha!)

We then ate lunch with president and headed down!  Here is a good pic of my Mission President.

Sunday they announced THE NEW CHURCH IS READY!! My last Sunday in Boca Del Monte will be in a super awesome church! I’ll take a lot of pictures. Plus I’m pretty sure we are going to baptize a couple of people that day. Things are all lining up nicely!

Conference is coming up. Conference in the mission is so much cooler! I’m so focused! So I hope everyone can learn a lot and enjoy the weekend!

Elder Kendall

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