Finally able to find Hermana Kapp! Still can't believe we are in the same mission.
Hello! I got the package and it was awesome!!! Thank you so much!!!! I loved everything! The candy lasted like 2 days hahaha!!
So I’m SENIOR COMP!!!! What the? I have a phone and everything!! That’s nuts. I was terrified at the reunion! My new companion is Elder Mauricio. It is his last change in the mission.
We basically just did service this week. We dug a huge hole - 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide. It was nuts!!! Then we cut a ton of wood! Other than service, we just knock doors all day! My area is really hard. We still have to take a bus 40 minutes to the church but this bus is bigger so that’s good plus I’m in a ward instead of a branch! My area it is straight up hills, and these hills are STEEP!!!! But I’m getting fit!
We think we are going to baptize this week but we need some miracles. This area is hard because nobody wants to listen. We are working harder than ever. We do have a couple investigators. It’s weird the things I have to do as a 19 year old! I have to get some investigators divorced from other people and then I have to get them married! We also found a miracle this week! Some guy who has been to church 2 times wants to be baptized! He just works a ton so it’s hard to find him home, but it is promising.
PS. My old companion Elder Falcon was called to be Branch president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s the first time it has happened in this mish!!!